Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Day 10 Whole 30

Arise and shine at 4:30 am. 
Feed the baby and go back to sleep!
Josh is deer hunting so that means no early morning WODS for me.  I headed instead to the 9:30 am class. 
This was a tough WOD (aren't they all). Running I can handle. Sit-ups and double unders 4 months after my fourth baby!?!  I have no core or bladder strength!  I look forward to doing this WOD again in a few months and know that my time will be much better. I finished in 28:54. 

Getting up later and then working out kinda threw my eating times off.  I ate this oatmeal w/almond butter,cinnamon and splash of almond milk and two eggs at 11 am. 

Lunch was leftover salad from Sunday with chicken I scraped out of the tortilla things we had last night with some chopped up Roma tomato and avocado. I splashed some balsamic vinegar for dressing. 

Snack was some 60% caco chips. 

Dinner was spaghetti squash, broccoli and 1/2 cup ground chicken.  I mixed this all together after and put a tablespoon of spagehtt sauce over it. 

Bedtime snack is an apple with almond butter and more chips. 

I am for sure not doing this 100% pure Whole 30 but I am doing the best I can each day. I have been slacking on the water the last couple days so I need to step that up. 

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